FRE 344H1

Literary Theory


G. Holtz


An introduction to 20th and 21st literary theory approaches to some masterpieces of French Literature (short story, drama and autobiography). Concepts and problems central to literary theory, such as “focalisation”, “polyphonie” or “vitesse du récit”, and the writings of major critics and theoreticians like Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, Gérard Genette or Roman Jakobson will be examined. The relevance of theory will be demonstrated by frequent close analysis of a variety of prose texts in class.

Required texts:

Gustave Flaubert, Un cœur simple; Alfred Musset, Lorenzaccio.

George Pérec, W ou le souvenir d’enfance.

Assignments and evaluation:

Quizz (10%); Test 1 (25%); Test 2 (25%); Essay (30%); Overall assessment (10%).

The Department takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations. A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.


FRE 240H1/FRE 245H1

Recommended preparation:

FRE 241H1