Programs of Study in French

Arts and Science students must enroll in a program upon completing their fourth full credit towards a degree via their College Registrar’s office or the Student Web Services (ACORN). No minimum GPA is required for enrolment in any French programs. Students must familiarize themselves with the requirements of their intended program and should consult an Academic Counsellor whenever clarifications are needed.

Students must satisfy the subject post requirements as outlined the year in which they registered in the program. Students having registered in these subject posts in previous year should consult the brochure from their year of registration.

In all programs and courses, the Department of French takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations. A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.

For the current program requirements, please consult the Academic Calendar

If you enrolled in a French Department program prior to this academic year, please consult the archived Academic Calendar.