
French Literature in the Time of Revolutions and Industrialization

Instructor :

Patrick Thériault

Description :

The long 19th century (1789-1914) is characterized by change: from political upheavals to literary, scientific, and media revolutions, the spread of literacy, the emergence of feminist thought, and the rapid development of industrialization and colonization. A study of the evolution of literature (genres, forms, movements), as influenced by these changing socio-political and economic contexts.

Required Texts :

  • (DE) BALZAC, Honoré, Le colonel Chabert, Paris, Larousse, « Petits classiques », 2013. ISBN : 978-2035873996
  • RODENBACH, Georges, Bruges-la-morte, Paris, Flammarion, « GF », 1998. ISBN : 978-2080710116
  • (DE) VIGNY, Alfred, Chatterton, Paris, Hatier, « Classiques et cie / Lycée », 2010. ISBN : 978-2218938016
  • ZOLA, Émile, Thérèse Raquin, Paris, Larousse, « Petits classiques », 2008. ISBN : 978-2035839251

(*Throughout the semester, the instructor will also provide students with various poetic and essayistic short texts).

Assignments and Evaluation :

Test #1 (15%); Take-home exam (15%); Reading tests (2 x 5%); Final essay (30%); Test #2 (20%); Overall assessment (10%).

Prerequisite :


Recommended preparation :

FRE 240H1/FRE245H, FRE241H1/FRE246H1