Introduction to French Cultural & Literary Studies
S. Sacré
This course is a practical introduction to concepts, methods and problems of literary analysis as well as an overview of French artistic culture. Using elements of comparison from fine arts, contemporary and popular culture (including novels and movies) and a variety of emblematic works of French and Francophone literatures (among others: essays by Voltaire, Montesquieu and Simone de Beauvoir; poems by Ronsard, Hugo, Baudelaire and Césaire; excerpts from novels by George Sand, Albert Camus and Patrick Chamoiseau), its objective is to provide students with a practical introduction to the tools of literary analysis, but also to help them better read, understand and appreciate literary texts.
Required texts: GAGNON et al., Guide des procédés d’écriture, ERPI, Québec, 2007.
Handouts for the course will be given in class and/or will be posted on Quercus.
Asssignment and evaluation: Online quizzes (course based): 20%; 2 take-home assignments (creative writing & cultural project): 20%; Team-based tutorial exercises: 15%; Mid-term test: 15%; End of term-test: 20%; Overall Assessment : 10%
The Department takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations. A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.
Prerequisite: FSL 221Y1 or, upon first FRE /FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test.
Exclusion: FRE 240H1