FSL 121Y1Y

French Language I


Intended for those who have some knowledge of French and who wish to bring their proficiency up to the level of normal University entrance. Offers training in written and spoken French, reinforcing reading comprehension, written skills, and oral/aural competence.  Course materials will be based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages A1 level.

Required texts:

J. Girardet, J. Pécheur, Écho, Méthode de français pour l’Amérique du Nord, A1

Recommended reference books:

Le petit Robert (monolingual dictionary); Le Robert-Collins (French-English dictionary); Bescherelle 1 – L’art de conjuger (Verb conjugation guide); Le petit Grevisse (Reference grammar)

Assignments and evaluation: There is NO final exam.  3 Written Tests (Reading comprehension, Grammar, Written expression) 45% [15% x 3]; 3 Oral Tests (Listening comprehension, Oral production) 45% (15% x 3); Overall Assessment 10%.

The Department takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations.   A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.

Prerequisite: FSL 102H1 or, upon first FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test.

Exclusion: FSL 221Y1 and higher.

NB: You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you must withdraw from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites or for not following the placement test recommendation.  This decision may not be appealed.