FSL 221Y1Y

French Language II


Intended for those who have some knowledge of French, this course is the first in a proficiency-sequenced series that provides students with the opportunity to become proficient, focused, autonomous French language learners. Adopting a principally actional approach to second language learning targeting Level A2 objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the course’s main objective is to provide a communicative learning environment through activities based in real-world, everyday contexts. Emphasis is placed on the development of comprehension (reading and listening) and speaking skills as well as on the consolidation of grammar concepts through a variety of communicative activities.

Required texts: J. Girardet, J. Pécheur, Écho, Méthode de français pour l’Amérique du Nord, A2

Recommended reference books: (i)  Maurice Grevisse, Le Petit Grevisse. Grammaire française, Bruxelles, Deboeck-Duculot, 32e édition, 2009; (ii) Le petit Robert (monolingual dictionary), Le Robert-Collins (French-English dictionary), Bescherelle 1 – L’art de conjuger (conjugation guide)

Assignments and evaluation: 3 Tests based on the textbook’s 3 Units: 60%; 2 cultural projects (written & oral): 15%; In-class quizzes : 10%; Written & video introduction of students: 5%; In-class participation (in-class presence in lectures and tutorials, group & in-class participation, completion of exercises): 10%.  There is no final examination for this course.

Prerequisite: FSL 121Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test.

Exclusion: FSL 321Y1 and higher.

The Department takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations. A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.

NB: You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you must withdraw from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites or for not following the placement test recommendation.  This decision may not be appealed.