Advanced students may under certain circumstances, undertake an independent reading and research project of their own choice.
A research project on a literary, linguistic, or second language learning topic to be proposed by the student and supervised by a Faculty member on a topic of common interest, including readings, discussions, papers. A substantive research component is essential to the course. In rare circumstances students can enroll in a scholarly project with no substantive research component (for instance, a literature review), when they can demonstrate they have exhausted all the 400-level course offerings or that they need the course in order to graduate.
Alternatively, students may use the FRE491H/492H designators to either:
- enroll in a half-course at the graduate level, with the permission of the Graduate Secretary (416-926-2305)
The student must have satisfied the general departmental pre-requisites for admissibility to a 400-series FRE course, preferably with a B average in all FRE courses.
Applicants may consult a registry of faculty members stating their fields of specialization to choose the professor who will supervise their essay or study. A list of faculty research interests can be viewed online at Faculty Research Interests
Applicants must follow the procedures outlined inSenior Essay Independent Study.pdfand submit
Application form FRE 490Y-492H.pdf duly signed by their supervisor, to the Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies. An electronic version of the application must be forwarded to The deadlines are as follows:
- before the end of the first week of classes in September for F and Y courses ;
- before the end of the first week of classes in January for S courses ;
- before the end of April for all summer courses.
Prerequisite: Any 300+ FRE Linguistics/Literature/Second language course.
Permission of Department.