Elementary French III
Instructor :
Intended for students having some knowledge of French but wishing to increase their proficiency to that of normal University entrance. Offers training in written and spoken French; reinforcement of reading comprehension and aural abilities; and an introduction to French-Canadian and Québécois cultures.
Required texts:
Recommended reference books:
Le petit Robert (monolingual dictionary); Le Robert-Collins (French-English dictionary); Bescherelle 1 – L’art de conjuger (Verb conjugation guide); Le petit Grevisse (Reference grammar)
Assignments and evaluation:
There is NO final exam. 3 Written Tests (Reading comprehension, Grammar, Written expression) 45% [15% x 3]; 3 Oral Tests (Listening comprehension, Oral production) 45% (15% x 3); Overall Assessment 10%.
FSL102H1. Students may also fulfill this prerequisite requirement based on the results of their French Placement Test.
FSL121Y1, FSL122H1, FSL 200+ level courses