FSL 473H1S

Oral French in Context


S. Sacré


Putting students in diverse speaking and listening situations and contexts, this course is designed for those who wish to consolidate and perfect their speaking and listening abilities and take them to the next level. Focusing on a contextual approach of both oral and aural French and various francophone cultures, this course will focus on various aspects and difficulties that come with speaking and understanding French in real-life situations. From fine pronunciation details and comprehension challenges to matters of speech register and fluency, this course will help students strengthen their mastery of French and acquire the confidence they need to use it professionally and will, also, offer practical solutions for the practice of French after graduation. 

Required texts:

No required text, documents will be given in class (articles, audio/video documents, etc.)

Recommended (but optional) texts:

Maurice Grevisse, Le Petit Grevisse. Grammaire française, Bruxelles, Deboeck-Duculot, 32e édition, 2009 ; Bien parler : guide de prononciation et d’orthoépie françaises (available online ID: pronunciation, Password: orthoepie0708).

Assignments and Evaluation:

2 reading aloud assignment (5% & 10%); 2 Listening Comprehension Test : (10% & 15%); 1 Dictation (10%); 1 Recorded Monologue-type assignment (15%); 1 Vlog-type audio-video assignment (15%), 1 dialog in interaction (10%); Overall Assessment (10%) 


FSL375Y1/(FSL375H1 and 0.5 credit in FRE at the 200-level)


Not open to fluent or native speakers of French.